Radiation Hard Photomultiplier of High Immunity to Magnetic Fields 1

Scintillation counting in high-energy physics. Systems working under simultaneous exposure of strong magnetic and radioactive fields and elementary particles.
Year of release: 1998
Guaranteed service life (years): 4
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 3
Flight qualification of the product: No
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Photocathode diameter 17,5 mm
Device diameter 25,8 mm
Length 55 mm
Spectral response 220 ÷ 650 nm
Photocathode luminous sensitivity 60 μA/lm
Dark current 1·10-8 nA
Supply voltage at anode luminous sensitivity of 30 A/lm 1800 V
Pulse rise time 1,4 ns
Photocathode SbKCs
Gain under magnetic field of H=0,5T 2·105


PMT-187 has bialkali photocathode and 15-cascade secondary-electronic amplifier with mesh dynodes. The input window is made of boron-silicate UV glass, the first dynode is of “proximity” type.

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