
The Transporter-Erector is intended for ILV (integrated with automated satellites, unmanned and manned spacecraft) transportation from technical complex to launch complex (and back if necessary) and its erection on the launch pad.
Year of release:
Development start 2014
Guaranteed service life (years): 15 years
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 36/5
Flight qualification of the product: No
Brief history of flight qualification: No
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Load on the axle of undercarriage up to 55t.
Speed when self-moving up to 0,4 km/h
Pest protection yes
Moving on special railway track Rail "Р65-Р75" (R65-R75)


The Transporter-Erector consist of a rigid metal frame, mounted on special railway carriages; a boom with the supports and special devices for ILV placing and transportation, assembled on the fame; hydraulic cylinders for boom erection into upright position a
... The Transporter-Erector consist of a rigid metal frame, mounted on special railway carriages; a boom with the supports and special devices for ILV placing and transportation, assembled on the fame; hydraulic cylinders for boom erection into upright position and provision of ILV placing on launch pad supports.

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