T-406Н КС tester is intended to control technical characteristics of the signals emitted by the radio beacons, and to check the validity of data encoded to the tested product under execution of scheduled works.
Year of release: 2012
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 6
Flight qualification of the product: No
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Operating temperature range from -20 to +55
weight 400 g
Action range to 1 km
Frequency Measurements 406,040 MHz ; 121,5 MHz
Dimensions 147×86×40 mm


T-406Н КС tester represents a compact portable device. T-406Н КС tester is able to receive radio signals both over the air, when antenna is attached, and over coaxial cable. Self-contained power is supplied by built-in rechargeable battery with the total volta
... T-406Н КС tester represents a compact portable device. T-406Н КС tester is able to receive radio signals both over the air, when antenna is attached, and over coaxial cable. Self-contained power is supplied by built-in rechargeable battery with the total voltage equal to (3.7 V ± 10%) and capacity not less than 2600 mAh. The battery charger operates from 220V A/C mains supply. The measurement of received signal technical characteristics is processed with the use of special software. The results of the measurement are written to the device memory and are displayed on the LCD, which is situated on the front panel of the T-406Н КС tester.

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