Intersattelite Optical Communication Terminal

Providing communications in the constellation of satellites on LEO for the organization of space Internet and communications, support for network configurations.
Guaranteed service life (years): 7
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 12
Flight qualification of the product: No
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Communication range, km from 500 to 4500
Data transfer rate, Gbit / s from 10 to 100
Weight, kg 12
Viewing angle, degrees in azimuth; in elevation 360; 32
Average power consumption per revolution, W 60
Clear aperture 96
Target tracking speed, degrees / s 5
The possibility of including in the quantum cryptography channel yes, transmitter
Power-supply voltage, V 24-36


Optical communications equipment for work in the constellation of satellites at the same height. Monoblock design.


Adaptation to any platform with a weight of 300 kg.

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