Antenna ASNK-1

GLONASS / GPS wearable receiver. Work through space navigation systems (SNS).
Year of release: 2011
Guaranteed service life (years): 3
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 3
Flight qualification of the product: No
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Frequency Range, MHz 1571-1610
Output VSWR in the frequency range 2.0
Gain, dB: 30.0
LNA noise ratio, dB: 2.0
dimensions 47,5x44x19
Supply voltage 3,0; 5,0
Consumption current, mA, no more 30
Operating temperature, ˚С from -50 to +55
Weight according to technical specifications, kg 0.15
Letter О1


All-ceramic active antenna module.

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