VLSI 16-bit ADC with a Sampling Frequency of 200 MHz

Critical application systems, digital signal processing systems, radar, communications, measuring equipment.
Year of release: 2018
Guaranteed service life (years): 3
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 12
Flight qualification of the product: No
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: No

Parameter Value
W*H*T 26.6*26.6*2.9 mm
Weight 3 g
Supply voltage 2.5±5% V
Operating temperature range -60 - +85 C°
Digital Supply Voltage 1.2В ±5% V
Case Н18.64-2В
Consumption current 0.545 А
Capacity 16 bit
Sampling frequency 200 MHz
Differential nonlinearity -0,9…+1 LSB
Integral nonlinearity ±10 LSB
Dynamic range free of interference 85 dB
Signal to noise ratio 75 dB


VLSI of a 16-bit conveyor-type ADC with a sampling frequency of 200 MHz is manufactured using CMOS 90-nm technology and is designed for analog-to-digital conversion of differential analog signals. The chip has an algorithm for the built-in calibration of the t
... VLSI of a 16-bit conveyor-type ADC with a sampling frequency of 200 MHz is manufactured using CMOS 90-nm technology and is designed for analog-to-digital conversion of differential analog signals. The chip has an algorithm for the built-in calibration of the transfer characteristic.

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