TU3 Truster Unit Based on Modified Thermocatalytic Low Thrusters

Spacecraft orientation and attitude control.
Year of release: 2013
Guaranteed service life (years): 5
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 12
Flight qualification of the product: Yes
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Heater unit power consumption 7.3 W
Overall dimensions 232х179,5х79,5 mm
Mass 1.3 kg


Propellant - hydrazine. The unit consists of three modified thermocatalytic low thrusters. Thermal mode of the unit is ensured by 3 heaters (2 main and 1 redundant), a radiator, and a set of MLI. Unit temperature is monitored by means of 3 temperature sensors.
... Propellant - hydrazine. The unit consists of three modified thermocatalytic low thrusters. Thermal mode of the unit is ensured by 3 heaters (2 main and 1 redundant), a radiator, and a set of MLI. Unit temperature is monitored by means of 3 temperature sensors.


Manufacturing lead time is given without taking into account the time needed to procure materials (4 months) and procured parts and components (6 months).

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