Modified Stationary Plasma Thruster with a Nominal Discharge Power of 1350 W

Spacecraft station keeping.Spacecraft orbit raising to GEO.
Year of release: 2012
Guaranteed service life (years):
12000 hours 5000 cycles
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 10
Flight qualification of the product: No
Brief history of flight qualification: None
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Discharge power 1350 W
Discharge voltage 300 V
Discharge current 4.5 A
Thrust 92 mN
Specific impulse 1700 s
Efficiency 52%
Specific power 329 W/kg
Power-to-thrust ratio 14.7 W/mN
Total impulse > 4.5 MN∙s
Mass 4.1 kg


Thruster with a nominal discharge power of 1350 W. Propellant - xenon. Consists of the anode and cathode units. Classical scheme of the magnetic system with magnetic screens and four external magnetic coils.
... Thruster with a nominal discharge power of 1350 W.
Propellant - xenon.
Consists of the anode and cathode units.
Classical scheme of the magnetic system with magnetic screens and four external magnetic coils. Outside diameter of the accelerating channel is 100 mm. Mean diameter of the accelerating channel is 85 mm.
Plume divergence half-angle (90% of ion current) is 30°.
New structural materials and components



Manufacturing lead time is given without taking into account the time needed to procure materials (4 months) and procured parts and components (6 months).

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