Multi-Layer Honeycomb Panel

Distribution of high-precision and dimensionally stable equipment.
Flight qualification of the product: Yes
Brief history of flight qualification:
Flight qualification since 2000.
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Honeycomb filler sort Амг2Н, Амг5Н (rus)
Cell face dimension 2.25, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 5,6
Foil thickness, μm 20, 23,30,40,50
Volume weight, kg/m3, not exceeding 17-90


Multi-layer honeycomb panels with fixed or attachable heat transfer tubes or fluid loops.


off-the-shelf efficient solutions include standard series of honeycomb fillers and face sheets, filling blocks; possibility of installing heat transfer tubes or fluid loop tubes; mounting of optical solar reflectors, flat electrical heaters, metalization poin
... off-the-shelf efficient solutions include standard series of honeycomb fillers and face sheets, filling blocks; possibility of installing heat transfer tubes or fluid loop tubes; mounting of optical solar reflectors, flat electrical heaters, metalization points, fasteners of the VELCRO type, etc.

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